Join us for a special experience at The Marine Mammal Center.
During this 45-minute walking tour behind the scenes of our hospital, you’ll hear inspiring stories about how our animal care experts provide life-saving care to sick and injured marine mammals, learn about the innovative technology sustaining our state-of-the-art hospital and find out how you can make a difference for these vulnerable patients.
Participants must be at least 10 years old to participate.
There are 3 spots remaining for this tour. Tickets are $15 per guest. CLICK HERE TO PURCHASE TICKETS THROUGH EVENTBRITE.
1:15 p.m. - Arrive to meet the group in the interior courtyard (that people exit to from the front entrance) under the large otter mural (the stairs are behind it)
1:30 p.m. - Tour
HOST: Ed Milner '79. If you have trouble registering through Eventbrite, please contact Ed at (415) 260-2458.
Parts of the tour are outside, so wear layers as it can be cold and windy. Don't forget your camera and sunscreen!
The Center has a large parking lot located to the right as you approach the facility gate. An additional small parking lot that includes placard parking spaces is available directly in front of the Center at the top of the hill.
Carpooling is encouraged for environmental reasons and because our parking lot at the top of the hill is small. Priority is given to those with ADA needs.
No busses available. Prearrange Uber or taxi rides to and from MMC; the location is not heavily trafficked.
The entire facility is ADA accessible, including an elevator in the courtyard for accessible viewing of patient pens.