Aubri and Lily's Kostume Karaoke Night
An In-person Obie Gathering in DC's U Street Neighborhood
Join the Oberlin Club of Washington, D.C. for a special Obie extravaganza that combines the thrill of karaoke with the fun of costumes and a birthday party. Unleash your inner rockstar and show off your power song! Meet hosts Aubri O’Connor ’04 and Lily Monir Matini ’03 at Solly’s Tavern at 1942 11th St NW. The party is free to attend. Costumes provided to wear onstage for karaoke. No musical experience necessary. Read more about Kostume Karaoke here.
Parking options are limited, so we recommend taking public transit. Solly’s is a 2-minute walk from the U Street metro station on the green line.
Questions? E-mail Aubri at